Managing a blog can be a full-time job, and the more popular your blog becomes, the more you need to do to keep it running. Luckily, there are many aspects which you can get help with…enter the Blogger’s Virtual Assistant!
There are so many things that a blogger needs to do daily such as managing their website, creating and editing content, managing advertising, replying to emails, sending out newsletters, interacting on social media- the list goes on.
A Virtual Assistant can take the pressure off by assisting with, but not limited to the following:
1- Social Media Management: Twitter, Facebook & Pinterest Account Management
Social Media is everything in the blogging world, but we all know that it can become completely overwhelming. A Virtual Assistant can lighten the load by managing one or more social accounts for their blogging clients such as scheduling and posting on Facebook, Twitter and my favourite- Pinterest! Bloggers with large accounts defo need help with pinning, organising boards, researching keywords to use in pins, and creating images (I LOVE Canva).
2- Blog Commenting
Building a network in blogging land takes time and hiring a VA to read through posts and leave comments is a huge help! Getting involved in the online community is important!
3- Blog Post & Image Creation
They may have a list of topics a mile long, but not enough hours in the day to write them- that’s where a Virtual Assistant comes in to help create the content. A VA can also source photos & images for blogs and pins and edit them into the correct formats.
4- Research
Researching for bloggers is a huge part of the job and goes hand in hand with content creation! Also advertising, quotes for services, personal errands, travel- anything and everything can be researched!
5- Transcription
If your Blogger is a Vlogger or a Podcaster, they will need their content transcribing for reference, or to go out to their audience in a written format.
6- WordPress Management (uploading/editing content, site updates etc)
A techie type VA can help with WordPress, in terms of site edits/ updates, setting up plugins, adding affiliate links, uploading images, drafting blogs, uploading and editing content. More time-consuming tasks that can be taken off their hands!
7- Editing/ Proofreading
Having someone else cast their eyes over your work is a real help, especially when you have been writing for hours! Also, the raw content can be handed over and edited into the correct format or branding for their website.
8- Email Management
Bloggers get tons of emails and a VA can help checking email & responding to requests and enquiries, as well as email management and detox- help rid the email anxiety!
9- Subscriber list help
A huge asset to a blogger’s business is their email list. You can help them connect with their subscribers by creating responsive branded emails and newsletters.
10- General organisation
I am literally obsessed with Trello, you can manage any project big or small and collaborate on shared boards. A Virtual Assistant can also help with spreadsheets, diary management, scheduling and any aspect of work or life that your client need help organising.
These are all services that I offer as a Virtual Assistant, but this list is certainly not exhaustive, so I hope it helps! Blog out :)
Yours Virtually x Katy